Meal Prep

Is your loved one still able to cook their meals on a regular basis? Are they eating well or just snacking? Are they losing weight without any medical underlying factor(s). Are you frequently finding food that has gone past expiration dates?

If you answered yes to any of the above, there are things you can do to set the ball rolling. You may plan the meals and cook them on a weekly basis-portion them and freeze them so it can be taken out as needed. There are also meal delivery programs like meals on wheels for seniors you can look into. Our trained caregivers can also assist your loved ones in preparing and fixing simple, and healthy meals. Your loved one can participate each time in the cooking to keep engaged. If they are not in a position to be part of this fun activity, then the care provider can handle it too.

We have care staff that are trained in preparing proper meals to meet specific dietary needs.

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